Message from a reader

People who have been back on campus have reported utterly atrocious conditions including water damage, mold, and broken bathrooms. Recently, we received the following message from a reader:

“Anyone ever tell you guys why the college looks like crap why the buildings are leaking, barely lit at times and just down right dated….lack of people
Current number of employees for a school with 50 buildings

3 plumbers
3 electricians (one is out on disability)
3 painters
3 carpenters
1 locksmith
2 maintenance mechanics
2 laborers
3 warehouse workers
2 mechanics

Do these numbers look like any thing close to properly managing a campus?”

That is certainly disheartening and can explain whey the campus appears to be in such shambles. The message continued:

Oh and by the way this was all very intentional over the last 40 years by two very evil people Kevin O’Brian and William Sullivan both still employed as part time employees both still very much manipulating the administration into thinking all the employees in maintenance are dumb and are trouble makers.
This all goes back to John Cornachio being in charge of plant 30 years ago and his brother Anthony Cornachio being on the board of trustees

Looks like some more cases of nepotism.

Massive mistreatment by workers at the school for 40 years by Kevin and William have been well documented in the files of past and present employees but for a majority of those years swept under the rug by Alfonse D’Amato politician and friend of the Cornachios the human rights violations that went on at the physical plant by these men would blow your minds if there secrets were ever revealed”

We wish the writer would have revealed who the D’Amato/Cornachio friend/politician is.

The message continued and further into another email however, I do not want to give clues to the identity of the whistleblower. However, there seems to be some nepotism in the facilities area as William Sullivan’s son and son-in-law work for the college. We also have another case where a parent is supervising his son in the paint shop. This, of course, is illegal in Nassau County.

The writer also gave some examples of workplace violence and threats of violence that barely went punished. One perpetrator of a very serious gun violent threat against the college was put on paid suspension for the past 3 years and is about to return to campus. Another employee who pointed out that due to the hostile workplace, someone will inevitably go postal, was suspended for 4 months with pay. It is important to note that Donna Haugen is responsible for disciplinary action. She has clearly failed and is risking our safety.

It is a shame that the Physical Plant department is a den of fraud, nepotism, and mistreatment. We rely on these employees to keep our facilities heathy, useful, and welcoming. It is clear that this is another example that the college is not able to function under the current leadership at this college.